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All-weather floor mats - 718/ 911

€100.00incl. VAT

Set of two black all-weather floor mats in an attractive design with the vehicle silhouette and “PORSCHE” logo. Non-slip and water-resistant. With raised edge all around.

Colour: Black
Model:Select model...
Sound system: -without Bose sound systemwith/without Bose sound systemwith Bose sound system
Pieces: two-piece
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All-weather floor mats - 718/ 911

€100.00incl. VAT
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The two-piece set of all-weather floor mats for the 911 captivates with its attractive design featuring the vehicle silhouette and 'PORSCHE' lettering. The custom-fit Black floor mats are non-slip and waterproof. The raised, all-round edge offers additional protection against dirt and moisture. This means your vehicle interior always stays dry and clean, no matter what the weather.

Item no.: 992044802 1E0

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Sound system
with/without Bose sound system
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All-weather floor mats - 718/ 911
All-weather floor mats - 718/ 911
Sound system:
with/without Bose sound system
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